世界起司輕圖鑑 Book Review 》Knowledge of Cheese

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

我在誠品看到的起司書籍大致上只有 2~3 本, 我考慮很久才購買這本”世界起司輕圖鑑”,  只因為起司這項食材在台灣市場並沒有非常成熟.
There are 2 ~ 3 Books regarding Cheese at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore. I know about this book “Knowledge of Cheese” a while ago, but didn’t purchase it. The reason is simple, the cheese market in Taiwan is not matured enough. However, after a long time consideration, I still purchased this particular book.

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Book Name 書籍名稱: 世界起司輕圖鑑 Knowledge of Cheese
Author 作家: NPO 法人起司專業協會 (C.P.A.) 監修
ISBN: 978- 986-93030-9-5
** This book is translated book. But it doesn’t state which language version though. (I would guess Japanese version and English version).
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!


1. 起司種類是個謎 Cheese categories are complicated

起司不像葡萄酒, 可以分類成夏多內, 希哈 …etc. 起司除了一些特定種類會有特別的氣味與外觀, 例如帕瑪森起司 (Parmigiano Reggiano) 和里考塔起司 (Ricotta) 最容易辨識外, 基本上來說比葡萄酒複雜地多, 而且名字都很難記也很難唸, 有這本書至少可以看著圖片與文字敘述學習, 文字敘述包括外觀, 風味, 香氣與季節.
Cheese categories are always complicated, unlike wine categories (Chardonnay, Syrah…etc). There are only a few cheeses that have easy-to -recognized appearance , such as Parmigiano Reggiano and Ricotta. Generally speaking, different types of cheeses are not easy to remember or even difficult to pronounce. At least, this book has clear pictures and descriptions, such as appearance, flavor, aroma and season.



2. 包括少許日本起司圖鑑 This book includes Cheese from Japan

很多起司書都號稱有上百種的起司種類,通常關於起司書都只有歐美地區, 我購買這本書的主要原因為內容有日本起司, 就如照片所示, 日本將歐洲起司文化融入富含日本風土的起司, 例如“十勝拉可雷特起司 (Raclette)”就是用產自十勝的鮮乳, 這就是一本名符其實的“世界起司輕圖鑑”.
Every cheese book stated that it has 100+ kinds of cheeses. However, most books only have Europe and America area. But, this book has cheese from Japan. As the picture shows, Japanese merged European Cheese Culture with Japanese local ingredient and technique to create new version of cheese.



3. 有美味起司搭配餐飲建議 Pairing Guide

台北市只有2~3家起司專賣店, 微風超市這種高級超市都是有一小區是專賣起司, 但是講到搭配, 很少人會自稱專家, 很多起司書都有起司搭配餐飲建議, 但搭配日本清酒我是第一次看到, 且在書裡也會清楚標示哪款起司跟在在哪一頁可以找到此款起司, 可以在準備策劃菜單前就大概會有個概念.
There are only a few cheese stores in Taipei City. High-end supermarket only has a section that sells cheese. However, speaking of pairing with foods, not much Taiwanese would call themselves cheese experts. Every cheese book has pairing guide. But it is the first time that I saw cheese pairing with sakes. This book also stated specifically which kinds of cheese is great pairing with sakes.


延伸閱讀: 關於其他飲食書籍評論




