中式料理 Chinese

The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
(2022. 8 更新) 台北喜來登請客樓是 2022 台北米其林二星餐廳美食, 也是善導寺站美食之一. 主揪朋友安排坐包廂, 且選擇多款需預訂的桌菜. (2022. 8 Update) The Guest House , which is located at Taipei Sheraton Hotel, is a 2022 Taipei Michelin Two Star Restaurant...

Taipei Beef Hot Pot 》台北骨力牛餐廳有溫體牛肉湯與火鍋 (內有菜單)

Taipei Beef Hot Pot 》台北骨力牛餐廳有溫體牛肉湯與火鍋  (內有菜單)
骨力牛已結束營業, 老闆開了另一家 “ 牛敘溫體牛火鍋 ” (Link) . 台北哪裡吃得到台灣溫體牛? 骨力牛餐廳是台北少數有溫體牛肉料理的餐廳, 也是南京復興站美食之一. Gu Li Niu Restaurant is closed down. The owner opened another restaurant - Beef Tale Restaurant (link) . Where c...

Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)

Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)
台北喜來登 辰園(The Dragon Taipei )是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一 , 這次則是品嚐單點 辰園菜單 桌菜為主, 而不是辰園港點吃到飽. The Dragon Taipei, which is located at Sheraton Hotel, is one of the Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants. We ordered quite a lo...

綠境 Aroma 》菜單不定期更換卻依舊美味令人想再訪

綠境 Aroma 》菜單不定期更換卻依舊美味令人想再訪
 ( 已搬家) 2020年新開幕的 台北 綠境 Aroma 餐廳 是 大同區圓山站美食推薦之一 , 綠境菜單不定期更換且菜餚選擇少, 主廚善用辛香料與飲品搭配完全呈現高水準. ( Moved ) 2020 newly-opened Aroma restaurant is one of the Datong District Food recommendation. Aroma menu would...

My 灶 》菜單如果不點桌菜要點哪些招牌菜餚 (內有低消資訊)

My 灶 》菜單如果不點桌菜要點哪些招牌菜餚  (內有低消資訊)
My 灶是 2021 台北米其林必比登推薦之一, 也是適合宴客的台北台菜餐廳推薦. 這次我是點 My灶菜單上的菜餚 - 例如 My 灶滷肉飯與其他台灣小吃. My Zhao Restaurant is one of restaurants on Taipei BIB Gourmand list. It is also one of the Taipei restaurants that offer...

Lao Dong Bei Restaurant 》東北人開的老東北家鄉特色菜料理餐廳

Lao Dong Bei Restaurant 》東北人開的老東北家鄉特色菜料理餐廳
老東北家鄉特色菜料理餐廳是少數饕客公認最道地的台北東北菜餐廳, 菜單上不只有酸菜白肉鍋, 更有許多道中國東北家鄉菜餚. Lao Dong Bei Restaurant is the well-known Taipei Chinese restaurant that offers North Eastern Chinese Cuisine.

Taipei Xiao Long Bao 》東門好公道金雞園菜單價格很合理

Taipei Xiao Long Bao 》東門好公道金雞園菜單價格很合理
(2021. 8 更新) 好公道金雞園是 2021 台北米其林必比登推薦之一, 也在我的台北永康街美食推薦名單上, 除了金雞園小籠包外, 看我跟朋友都點了哪些菜餚. Hao Gong Dao Jin Ji Yuan ( Golden Chicken Ranch Restaurant ) is a Taipei Yongkang restaurant. It is also one of the r...

泰和樓 》被銀絲卷擔誤的台北酸菜白肉鍋 | Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot

泰和樓 》被銀絲卷擔誤的台北酸菜白肉鍋 | Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot
泰和樓餐廳 是台北酸菜白肉鍋餐廳之一, 也是中正紀念堂附近美食, 與朋友們坐包廂將泰和樓菜單點好點滿. Taihe House restaurant (Taihe Lou) is one of the Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot Restaurants. It is also the restaurant near CKS Memorial Hall MRT st...

Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚

Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚
餵公子吃咖哩是 2020 新開幕台北餐廳 之一, 餵公子吃咖哩菜單 中午販售印度香料與日式咖哩飯, 晚上則是下酒菜選項, 晚上包場則是可成為台北私廚. Feed the Curry is one of the newly-opened restaurants at the end of 2020. The restaurant offers curry rices by day, and omak...