牛排 Steak

Smith & Wollensky Taipei 》噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客牛排不再是隱藏菜單

Smith & Wollensky Taipei 》噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客牛排不再是隱藏菜單
Smith & Wollensky 牛排館是台北微風南山餐廳之一, 也在饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦名單裡, 這次我很榮幸可以品嚐到 Smith & Wollensky 新菜單. Smith & Wollensky Taipei Steakhouse is one of the restaurants at Nanshan Breeze Mall. it is also at ...

168 Steak House Taipei New Chapter 》168 牛排館 2019 新主廚新菜單

168 Steak House Taipei New Chapter 》168 牛排館 2019 新主廚新菜單
台北 168 牛排館敦化店 2019 換新主廚也換新菜單, 168 牛排餐廳開始新章節 (New Chapter), 不再是一成不變的牛排餐廳. Taipei 168 Steak House Dunhua Branch changed its executive chef and its menu. It starts its so-called New Chapter instead of ol...

台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀

台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 |  品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀
台北和牛47餐廳 是信義區微風南山美食餐廳之一, 也在微風南山高空景觀餐廳名單內, 嚴格來說, 和牛47是結合燒肉與懷石料理的餐廳. Taipei Wagyu 47 is one of the Nanshan Breeze Restaurants. It is also on the list of the restaurants that can see the Taipei 101 View.

台北萬豪酒店餐廳推薦 》INGE’S Bar & Grill 景觀餐廳酒吧眺望台北

台北萬豪酒店餐廳推薦 》INGE’S Bar & Grill 景觀餐廳酒吧眺望台北
台北萬豪 INGE'S Bar & Grill 餐廳和酒吧是不僅是台北景觀餐廳, 也是許多饕客大直高級餐廳的首選之一. INGE'S Bar & Grill is located at Taipei Marriott Hotel 20F. It is one of the restaurants that can see Taipei View. It is also one of...

Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 》信義新光三越餐廳推薦

Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 》信義新光三越餐廳推薦
主廚林明健新開幕的台北 Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳是信義新光三越A9 美食之一, 菜單項目以直火燒烤牛排居多, 對我來說已經算是台北信義區牛排餐廳. Newly-opened Taipei Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant is one of Chef Kin’s restaurants. Since there are many grilled st...

A Cut Steakhouse 》國賓飯店牛排餐廳 | Taipei Steakhouse

A Cut Steakhouse 》國賓飯店牛排餐廳 | Taipei Steakhouse
(已搬至遼寧街) 重新裝潢 A CUT 牛排館 ( A CUT STEAKHOUSE ) 是 台北米其林一星餐廳名單之一, 位於國賓飯店2F. (Moved to Liaoning Street )   The remodeled A CUT STEAKHOUSE is one of the Taipei Michelin One Starred restaurants. It is locate...

No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 | Taipei Steak House

No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 |  Taipei Steak House
No° 168 Prime Steak House 為台北大安區頂級牛排餐廳之一, 位於忠孝敦化捷運站週邊的敦化 SOGO 七樓, 用餐空間相當適合宴客與家庭聚會. No. 168 Prime Steak House is one of the high-grade steak house restaurant in Taipei Da’an District. it is located nea...

L’AGE 熟成餐廳 》忠孝復興捷運餐酒館美食 | Taipei Bistro

L’AGE 熟成餐廳 》忠孝復興捷運餐酒館美食 | Taipei Bistro
位於台北東區的L’AGE 熟成餐廳是一家低調餐廳, 老饕熟客回客率跟中山區的Popina餐酒館一樣高. L’AGE restaurant is located at the heart of the city- Taipei East District. This is a low-profile restaurant with many returning foodie customers, j...