Backyard Jr. Taipei 》小後苑成為全方位的台北威士忌酒吧

Last Updated on 2020-08-28 by Foodelicious

(二訪 2020.5更新)    小後苑 Backyard Jr. 是少數中午就開始營業的台北信義區威士忌酒吧, 也是台北餐酒館之一, 近期下午時段推出大人系的威士忌茶酒和甜點系列.
Backyard Jr. is Taipei Whisky Bar that opens during the day time. It is also one of the Taipei Bistros. Recently in the afternoon, Backyard Jr. promotes Whisky Tea and Whisky Cake Desserts.

小後苑 菜單 (下午時段) 在文末 Backyard Jr. Menu (Afternoon) is at the end of article


小後苑 Backyard Jr. 位於信義區新光三越A9的3樓, 也就是 “福里安花神咖啡館 Caffé Florian Coffee” 的樓上, 小後苑與信義安和捷運站附近的“後院,Larriere-cour 是同一位老闆, 我在 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 2017年開幕的時候就已經首訪 (Link: ) , 當時對於威士忌餐酒館充滿好奇, 那時的用餐經驗是相當不錯, 現在雖然換主廚, 但我仍舊對他們有信心. 只是這次我是去小後苑 Backyard Jr. 下午時段喝大人系的威士忌茶酒. 這裡有戶外座位, 這次我想看如何他們做茶酒, 我是坐在吧台區.
Backyard Jr. is located at 3rd floor of Shinkong Mitsukoshi A9 Department Store. “Caffe Florian Coffee” is at 2nd floor. The owner of Backyard Jr. also owns another Whisky Bar named “Larriere-cour” near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. I visited Backyard Jr. when they just opened at the year of 2017 (Link: ). I was curious about the Whisky Bistro. The dining experience was pleasant as expected. Even though they changed their chef, I am still confident about their dishes. However, this time, I visited them during the afternoon for the whisky tea.  Most people usually choose outside as their seating area in the afternoon. Since I would like to see how they make Whisky Tea, I chose the indoor seats near the bar counter.

延伸閱讀: 首訪小後苑 Backyard Jr. 》 台北信義區新光三越美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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迷霧森林 & 騎士威士忌組合

Whisky Chocolate Mousse + Whisky Set
Price: NTD $750
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
聯名組合販售日期是 5/15-6/30

上次我錯過了 小後苑 x時飴的甜點 , 這次受邀品嚐小後苑 x 麗芳老樓的聯名威士忌煙燻巧克力慕斯組合 – 迷霧森林! 用金湯匙先敲開杯緣的蛋白霜, 蘋果木煙燻香撲鼻, 再將一小匙威士忌煙燻巧克力慕斯入口, 我常嫌棄台灣市面上的微醺甜點都毫無絲毫酒香, 小後苑 x 麗芳老樓的巧克力慕斯有煙燻香與酒香, 更有我最愛的濃郁巧克力風味. 這款 Loch Lomond 2004 14 years 的酒標是小後苑專屬, 酒一端上就先單喝一口, 我個人蠻喜歡蘭姆酒過桶帶給味蕾的適量甜度, 有亞洲人熟悉的熱帶水果風味, 即使高酒精度卻容易入口. 我個人比較喜歡這款搭配威士忌單杯的組合. 
You should use the spoon to break the meringue. The smoky aroma from the apple woods would be released. One bite on the whisky chocolate mousse is full of smoky, alcohol, and thick chocolate flavor. It is a typical tipsy dessert! As for the whisky, Backyard Jr. is printed on the label. The rum casket offers tropical fruity flavor and fair amount of sweetness. Even though it is high ABV, it is easy to drink. I would prefer this set over the whiskey tea set. 




Whisky Chocolate Mousse + Whisky Tea Set
Price: NTD $650
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
組合販售日期是 5/15-6/30

甜點一樣是威士忌煙燻巧克力慕斯, 茶酒我是選烏龍茶, 可惜茶有些淡, 間接威士忌酒香也沒有釋放出, 我個人比較喜歡單純威士忌的單杯組合.
The dessert is the same whisky chocolate mousse. I chose Oolong Tea as the base tea. However, the overall flavor is light, including the whisky aroma. I would prefer the single glass whisky set.



Whisky Tea
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

威士忌茶時段是2pm ~ 5pm. NTD $480 可選兩款威士忌與茶配對,  可以兩人分享一壺威士忌茶, 再點個小點之類分享, 兩人在戶外座位聊天氛圍不錯. 步驟都註明在文末的菜單上. 我是選炭焙烏龍茶, 選威士忌的部分問專業店長或店員請他們推薦即可, 當天則是從三款裡選兩款威士忌, 酒款不定期更換.第一款是 Ardbeg 10 Years Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 雖然標榜泥煤威士忌, 但因為茶裡只加 10ml 威士忌, 若不精心品酌,微弱泥煤味很容易被忽略. 第二款是 Lagavulin 16 Year Old Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 與第一款相較之下, 我個人比較喜歡第二款, 因為煙燻味與鹹味較重, 可以與烏龍茶相輔相成. 你們最想問的莫過於 “威士忌茶的酒味重嗎?” , 答案是 “不會”,畢竟並不是像在 “Trio Cafe” 喝調酒, 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 的威士忌茶也很適合不喝酒的人.
Whisky Tea time is 2pm ~ 5pm. With the price NTD $480, you can pick two whiskies for pairing with your tea. Two people can share Whisky Tea and order snack to share as well. The order steps are stated in the menu down below. I chose Charcoal Roasted Oolong Tea. As for whisky selection, you can ask their staff for recommendation. At the time, I would need to pick 2 whiskies out of three whiskies.First whisky is Ardbeg 10 Years Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Since the staff only adds about 10ml whisky, the peat smoky flavor is not too obvious since the Oolong Tea is quite strong too. As for second whisky, I picked Lagavulin 16 Year Old Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky. The tastebuds can sense the stronger smoky and salty flavor while pairing with the Oolong Tea. Most people would ask “Is the alcohol heavy in the tea?” . The answer is “No”. It is not like drinking cocktail at “Trio Cafe”. Therefore, Backyard Jr. Whisky Tea is also suitable for people that don’t drink whisky at all. 

延伸閱讀: Trio Cafe 》台北華山三重奏餐酒館是上班族心目中的微醺好去處





French Fries with Whisky Powder
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我這次去小後苑 Backyard Jr. 錯過他們與”時飴 Approprié 甜點店“ 合作的威士忌蛋糕甜點, 當時喝威士忌茶時想點個小點, 這道小點最特別的就是將威士忌作成不同風味的鹽粉, 店員端上桌時在桌邊灑上粉, 原料(?!) 則是 Auchentoshan Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 薯條吃起來松露味頗重, 倒是威士忌粉比較沒有凸顯出來.
I missed their dessert cooperation with Approprié for the whisky cake dessert. While drinking the whisky tea, I ordered a snack – French Fries with Whisky Powder. The ingredient is Auchentoshan Single Malt Scotch Whisky. The truffle flavor is stronger than expected. The whisky powder doesn’t enhance the overall taste though.

台北區域美食推薦 》Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation

📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide

連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station

連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide

連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide

連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes

連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount





店名: 小後苑 Backyard Jr.
地址: 台北市信義區松壽路9號3 樓 (新光三越 A9) (MAP)
電話: 02-2722-0353
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Backyard Jr.
Address: 3F, No. 9, Song Shou Road, Taipei City (Shinkong Mitsukoshi A9 Department Store) (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2722-0353
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

小後苑 菜單 (下午時段) 》 Backyard Jr. Menu (Afternoon )




