am Daily 》台北大安區早午餐 | Taipei Brunch

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(2021. 10 結束營業) am Daily台北忠孝復興捷運站早午餐餐廳之一, 也在台北東區餐酒館名單內, 這次很榮幸可以品嚐到 am Daily的早午餐.
(2021. 10 Closed) am Daily is one of the Brunch restaurants near Taipei Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. It is also a bistro at Taipei East District. I have the opportunity to taste their brunch dishes.

菜單連結在文末 Menu Link is at the end of article


餐廳所在位置介於忠孝新生與忠孝復興捷運站中間, 巷弄類似最文青的富錦街, 餐廳外圍以時尚黑白裝潢為主, 室內裝潢結合餐酒館與咖啡店概念, 有酒吧料理台, 酒櫃與專業咖啡機. 店家也不定期推出新餐點或是行銷優惠.
The location of am Daily is in between Zhongxiao Xingshen and Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. The outdoor design colors are dominated by black and white. The indoor design theme combines bistro and coffee shop. It has bar counter, wine cabinet, and commercial coffee machine.


am Daily 有8人包廂, 也提供移動式投影機和螢幕, 可辦品酒會或其他活動. 和室包廂適合家庭聚會, 除了沙發區外, 一人也可坐在窗邊高腳椅或是吧台區, 少數座位有插座, 也有免費 Wifi, 由於下午照常營業, 相當適合帶筆電到這裡工作.
am Daily has 8 people private dining room that can held wine trial tasting event or other events. Besides sofa area, there are also high chairs for one person or Japanese style dining room for family. There are several wall sockets and free wifi. Since there is no afternoon break time, this restaurant is perfect for freelancers to bring laptop to work.



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English Name: Garden Omelette with Bacon
Price: NTD $400
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我對台北早午餐的視覺印象就是生菜佔盤子的一半, 但是 am Daily 餐廳相當有誠意將生菜份量拿捏約整道料理的 1/4. 整道料理視覺感不僅色彩飽和, 配料也很豐富. 表面光滑無缺陷的歐姆蛋相當誘人, 三片法式麵包與清脆生菜皆可沾店家自行調配的蒜味鄉村醬. 培根充滿油脂, 醺鮭魚柔嫩, 雞肉調味到位, 肉品份量稍少相當適合早午餐.
My impression of Taipei brunch is 1/2 plate is salad. But am Daily restaurant prepares this dish with only 1/4 plate of salad, which is great. The omelette appearance is bright yellow with smooth texture. Three small sliced baguettes and lettuces can be dipped into garlic flavor ranch dressing. The bacon is full of fats along with the tender smoked salmon. The chicken meats are seasoned well.


一刀劃下乾淨俐落, 發現歐姆蛋與其他餐廳不一樣, 內餡並不會散開,  相當紮實且有厚度, 入口後除了濃郁蛋香之外, 也有滿滿菠菜風味和少許洋蔥調味, 菇類帶給不同口感, 多層次美味風味與口感是我對這款歐姆蛋的形容詞. 放置一旁的時蔬也經過額外調味帶有辛香, 最愛酥脆玉米筍與香菇,最特別配置是經過主廚特別用橄欖油與迷迭香調配的蘋果切片, 有酸甜風味. 整道料理吃完相當有滿足感.我相當推薦這道早午餐!
I noticed the thick and dense omelet texture after the clean cut, Besides egg aroma, there are fair amount of spinach flavor and onion seasoning. The mushroom brings different texture to this dish. Layers of flavors and textures would be the perfect description. I prefer the seasoned baby corn and mushroom with hints of spices. The most interesting side dish would be the sliced apple with olive oil and rosemary seasoning, which brings both acidity and sweet to this dish. After eating this dish, you will definitely be full. I strongly recommend this brunch dish.




English Name: Apple Lemonade
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

每一款早午餐皆附現打蘋果檸檬汁, 可惜的是這款飲料並無單賣. 少許蘋果皮如同玫瑰花瓣般, 在檸檬汁中形成美麗色澤. 喝起來並沒有檸檬汁酸度, 反倒比較像甜蘋果汁裡帶微酸, 相當不錯.
Every brunch has fresh apple lemon juice. Sadly, this item is not on the menu, only as the set drink. Small amount of apple peels inside the lemonade. There isn’t much acidity in the lemonade. Instead, it is more like apple juice with hints of acidity. It tastes great with balanced flavor.



English Name: Darling’s Sirloin Brunch (12oz)
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

配置多了兩顆橘紅色太陽蛋, 若不喜歡吃生蛋, 可換成炒蛋 (Scrambled Egg). 蛋原料使採用成本較高的紅仁有機蛋, 與”ABURASOBA SHIN 油そば専門店”一樣, 橘紅色蛋黃表面張力飽滿, 戳破時, 濃稠蛋黃緩緩流出,我建議沙朗牛排也可沾蛋汁.
The side dish has two orange-red orange sunny-side up eggs. You can choose scrambled egg if preferred. The restaurant uses high-cost organic egg, similar with “ABURASOBA SHIN Ramen”. I would suggest to dip the sirloin into the egg yolk as well.


主廚建議五分熟沙朗牛排, 用專屬牛排刀切開12oz 牛排細嚼, 舌尖感受到黑胡椒與調味料顆粒, 牛排油筋不多, 因此帶有嚼勁, 餐廳也提供味好美品牌 (McCormick) 研磨黑胡椒與喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽讓客人親自多做調味. 料理如名, 但是這道牛排料理應該連老公都吃不完吧!
The chef suggested medium steak. The restaurant offers professional steak knife and McCormick seasoning (Black Pepper Grinder & Himalayan Pink Salts).  The grind peppers and seasoning granules are on the steak appearance. There isn’t much fat at the sirloin, instead, it is more of the dense texture. The dish has an interesting Chinese name- “Husband’s Steak Brunch”. Honestly, I don’t think the husband would be able to eat it all though.




English Name: Latte
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我向來對餐廳的拿鐵都是沒信心, 但是 am Daily 的拿鐵相當不錯, 一喝跟 “Olivia Coffee Roaster”一樣皆有堅果風味, 完全沒有苦味, 咖啡豆是位於六張犁的 “PEG Coffee” Barista 親自用巴西與瓜地馬拉產區混合配方. am Daily 的低消是一杯飲料或是一份正餐, 意思就是可以只點一杯飲料享受午後或是工作.
I start to lose faith on restaurant latte. But, am Daily restaurant’s latte is quite impressive. It tastes like “Olivia Coffee Roaster” coffee, which has fair amount of nutty flavor. There is no bitterness involved. The owner mentioned that the coffee bean recipe are designed and developed by “PEG Coffee” Barista by using mixed Brazil and Guatemala origins coffee beans. Since the restaurant’s minimum charge is one main course or one drink, you can just order a cup of coffee and enjoy the afternoon alone or with your friends.




店名: am Daily
地址: 台北市忠孝東路三段217巷3弄22號1F (MAP)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Restaurant Name: am Daily
Address: No. 22, 3rd Alley, 217th Lane, 3rd section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station
Tel: 02-2775-5909
Operation Hour: Check Facebook



