板橋餐酒館美食推薦 》 ABV PENTHOUSE BISTRO | 城市夜景搭配精釀啤酒與美食

Last Updated on 2019-06-10 by Foodelicious

ABV Bar & Kitchen 三店 – ABV Penthouse 府中捷運站美食之一, 也是新北市少數有高樓夜景的精釀啤酒餐廳, 我有這個榮幸可參加新開幕ABV 閣樓餐廳的媒體發表會.
ABV Bar & Kitchen new branch is located at Fuzhong MRT station. ABV Penthouse Craft Beer Bistro is one of the Banqiao bistros. I have the opportunity to attend their newly-opened craft beer event.


ABV 閣樓餐廳菜單價格在文末 ABV Penthouse Menu is at the end of the article


ABV Penthouse 離府中捷運站一號出口只需走路少於五分鐘, 與 “門前隱味牛肉麵” 是相反方向, 轉進大樓後再搭客用電梯到最高樓層 (12 樓) 即可抵達名符其實的ABV 閣樓餐廳. 餐廳大門左側是可以看到夕陽的室外座位, 用餐氛圍很像 “小後苑 Backyard Jr.”, 餐廳右側則是可看到板橋城市夜景的區域 (夜景圖片為餐廳提供), 不僅如此, ABV Penthouse室內座位也可欣賞板橋夜景, 不知為何這個室內座位區域的燈光有一種 “No. 168 Prime 牛排館 “的浪漫氛圍. 那天媒體記者會活動花絮與景觀都在文末的影片.
ABV Penthouse is located near Fuzhong MRT station No. 1 Exit. It is at the opposite direction of “Hidden Beef Noodle”. Taking the elevator to the top floor (12F), you can arrive the penthouse restaurant. You can watch the sunset at the left side of the restaurant’s patio seats. The dining atmosphere is similar with “Backyard Jr. Restaurant” at Xinyi District. At the right side, you can see the Banqiao night view (night view picture provided by the restaurant).You can also see the night view from the indoor seats. The dim light at this particular area is a bit like “No. 168 Prime Steak House”. The video at the end of article shows more details regarding this event.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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免費中文版精釀啤酒 App

Chinese version Free Craft Beer App

這次媒體記者會的主題除了新開幕餐廳外, 也公開宣布他們研發的免費中文版精釀啤酒 App. ABV Bar & Kitchen 籌備這款免費全中文最豐富精釀啤酒百科 APP 應用程式相當久的時間, 只需要在手機搜尋 “ABV 精釀啤酒百科” 下載即可, 可透過掃條碼方式來查詢其啤酒的資訊, 與國外 APP 最大不同是有台灣在地酒廠釀的啤酒資訊, 其他實用功能也包括個人品飲紀錄與連結各大網站評比, 我已下載, 改天來測試.
Besides the newly-opened restaurant, the other main subject would be their Chinese version Free Craft Beer App. The preparation time of this App is quite long. The launch is long overdue. You can just search “ABV精釀啤酒百科” on your phone and download. Besides scanning the bar code to check the beer informations, you can also take notes or records of your beer drinking history. The difference between many foreign App and this App is this App has Brew-in-Taiwan local Beers. I already downloaded, I will check it out later.



Chicken Tequila Shot Fettuccine
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

為了要與其他 ABV 分店做區隔, ABV Penthouse 有相當多新菜餚, 由於當天ABV PENTHOUSE 準備的料理相當多, 我直接從我最推薦的美食開始寫.寬扁麵環繞著搶眼龍舌蘭 Shot 杯, 首先, 先將杯中的Tequila 以畫圓圈方式注入義大利麵中, 再擠出少許檸檬汁, 再來要像攪拌炸醬麵般攪拌這道義大利麵, 瞬間相當好奇吃起來墨西哥與義大利的組合. 整體吃起來並沒有經典濃郁嗆味,  因為料理本身的熱度而將酒精度稍微揮發, 不喝酒的一樣可以享用, 龍舌蘭也同時加強了濃郁起司風味與前所未有的圓潤口感, 雞肉雖然沒有多餘油脂卻不乾柴. 我再三確認圖片為一人份,  我非常推薦這一道料理.
ABV Penthouse has many new dishes. Since they prepares many dishes, I would start writing about my favorite dish. First, you should pour the tequila clockwise or counter clockwise into the pasta. Then, you should squeeze the lemons juice afterwards. The most important part would be to stir and mix this pasta throughly. There is no classic tequila high alcohol flavor. Instead, the tequila seemed to enhance the cheese flavor and increase the whole dish’s smooth texture. Even though there isn’t much fats on the chicken, it still tastes delicious. As for the quantity, I double confirmed the quantity is for one person. I strongly recommend this dish.



Deep Fried Salt and Pepper Octopus
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

圖片中是炸物拼盤, 但我比較推圖片最右側的炸小章魚, 價格 NTD $280 當然份量會比這張照片多. 淺褐色麵衣並不會過厚, 單吃小章魚則是先感受到酥脆口感, 後感受到微海鮮風味, 並不會像市面上的炸花枝圈只有澱粉味, 沾一旁的西班牙道地 aioli 沾醬會增加大蒜風味. 我會推薦給找尋適合下酒菜的人.
The picture shows the mixed deep-fried dish. But I prefer the deep fried salt and pepper octopus (the item on the right hand side). With the price NTD $280, the quantity is of course more. The coating is not too thick, but with crispy texture. There is also hints of seafood flavor as well instead sole starchy flavor. Dipping with aioli sauce will have the garlic flavor. I would recommend this dish to the people who look for dish to pair with beers.



Shepherd’s Penne with Spicy Chorizo
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

也不知道為何多數台灣義大利麵餐廳都是賣焗烤筆管麵, 我個人比較喜歡簡單清炒筆管麵. 主要原因是我很喜歡筆管麵的加倍 Q彈 (al dente) 口感.臘腸肉做的微辣紅色醬汁在筆管麵外層, 羊乳起司如雪花般灑落在麵上, 獨特起司風味與切片臘腸肉味相輔相成, ABV Penthouse 筆管麵的 al dente 口感令人著迷, 若平常愛吃Pizza, 應該會超愛這道料理.
I honestly do not know why most Taiwanese Italian restaurants only sell baked Penne dish. I personally prefer the stir-fried cooking method. The main reason is that I like the al dente texture. The penne pasta is coated with small amounts of red spicy Chorizo sauce. The feta cheese is spreaded all over the pasta as well. The unique cheese flavor and the sliced chorizo are perfect match. I would recommend this dish to the people who like to eat pizza.



Warm Spinach Salad
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我平常很排斥菠菜, 因為我總是遇到像 “WINE-derful 餐廳“ 搭配牛排的軟爛奶油菠菜. 但是 ABV Penthouse 這道溫沙拉的菠菜反倒是嫩脆, 後來得知是廚師將香煎培根與洋菇後的油脂淋到菠菜, 口感極度像我愛的川七, 此道料理的豐富配料包括洋菇與櫛瓜, 幾乎全都是我愛吃的食材, 不愛也很難阿!
I honestly do not like Spinach because most restaurant (such as “WINE-derful” ) offers the creamy spinach. But, ABV Penthouse offers warm salad with tender and crisp spinach. The chef stir-fried the bacon & mushroom and pour the fats on the spinach. The ingredients include mushroom and zucchini. Most ingredients are my favorite!


比利時白啤酒淡菜 (16 pcs)

Steamed Mussels in Belgian Witbier (16 pcs)
Price: NTD $620
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

之前 “小後苑 Backyard Jr.” 也有酒精類淡菜, 只是 ABV Penthouse 這道料理並沒有浮誇到用白啤酒噴霧. 擺盤視覺感簡單明瞭, 淡菜海鮮香氣逼人, 蒜泥深藏在鍋底, 因為是平底鍋, 微酒精的海鮮精華並沒有想像中地多, 但整體相當不錯, 相當適合四人以上分享.
Backyard Jr. Restaurant” has similar dish but with whiskey spread. This dish image is simply and full of seafood aroma. The garlic is hidden at the bottom of the pot. However, the essence from the mussel and belgian witbier are not much. But this dish is overly delicious. I would recommend for party of 4 or above.



Fettuccine with Smoked Steak and Truffle Sauce
Price: NTD $520
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

ABV Penthouse 一點都不吝嗇地放上適量黑松露醬, 黑松露份量比 “Truffles Living”多, 我會建議先攪拌讓每吋義大利麵都有松露醬, 味蕾也會隱約會感受到其他香料, 切片牛排厚度與 “am Daily 餐廳” 相似, 口感則是稍微有嚼勁.
Unlike “Truffles Living Restaurant”, ABV Penthouse uses fair amount of truffle sauce. I would suggest to stir and mix the pasta in order to let the truffle spread evenly. The tastebuds would also sense other spices. The thickness of the steak is similar with “am Daily restaurant”. Also, the steak texture is a bit chewy than expected.



Baked Basque Crab
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道料理是當天最具視覺效果的料理, 光是看焗烤後的牽絲就讓人想趕緊品嚐, 因為撒上許多起司,番茄醬變得非常鹹香, 也許是起司的存在感太強烈, 蟹肉的口感較難被察覺.
This dish has the most visual impact of the day. The full amount of cheese intrigues salvation. Because of the cheese, the tomato sauce tastes a bit salty . As for the crab meat, I think that the thick cheese covers the crab meat texture. It is a bit hard to sense the crab meat.



“Melitzanosalata” Greek Eggplant Dip
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

其實這道料理名稱順序沒有錯, 皮塔餅 (Pita Bread) 並不是主角, 雙主角各是綠色羅勒馬鈴薯泥和茄子泥沾醬, 我認為並沒有男二這回事, 將皮塔餅狠狠地將濃稠茄子醬挖起, 除了辛香料外, 同時也有堅果香, 讓我比較驚訝的是羅勒馬鈴薯泥質地細緻, 比較適合單吃.
The pita bread is not the main character. The green basil mashed potato and eggplants paste are two important parts of this dish. The eggplants paste has unknown spices and also nutty flavor. As for the basil mashed potato, the texture is quite smooth and surprising.


當天店家有準備相當多料理, 當然我也有喝兩杯啤酒, 這裡的每個店員都相當專業, 會依照客人的喜愛來推薦精釀啤酒.
They offer many dishes and of course I drank two beers. Every staff here is very professional. They would recommend the craft beer based on the customer’s preference.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafe Guide



店名: ABV 閣樓餐廳
地址: 新北市板橋區府中路67號 (Map)
捷運: 府中捷運站
營業時間: Check Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ABVbeer3/
Restaurant Name: ABV Penthouse Restaurant
Address: No.67, Fuzhong Road, Banqiao district, New Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Fuzhong MRT Station
Tel: 02-2969-9989
Operation Hour: Check Facebook




