2019 母親節餐廳推薦名單 (台北) 》2019 Mother’s Day Restaurant Recommendation (Taipei)

Last Updated on 2019-04-14 by Foodelicious

正在找搜尋台北市適合家庭聚餐的餐廳嗎? 我直接做一個慶祝母親節餐廳推薦名單, 也同時是台北適合長輩與親子的餐廳.
Are you looking for a restaurant is suitable for family gathering? Now, I have edited a 2019 Mother’s Day Restaurant Recommendation list.




台北母親節餐廳推薦 (西餐)
Taipei Mother’s Day Restaurant (Western Cuisine)

【 Salt & Stone 】

Salt & Stone 餐廳位於台北 101 4樓, 佔地非常大, 相當適合三代同堂和多人聚餐 (8 人以上應該沒問題) , 長輩與小孩皆適合, 請記得事先預訂. 主要販售是義大利麵和比薩, 也有烤半雞和甜點, 最令人驚訝的是合理價格, 可歸類為 2019 母親節平價餐廳. 吃完後也可以到信義區微風南山走走.
Salt & Stone restaurant is located at Taipei 101 4th floor, which has large seating area. The long table can fit at least 8+ people, however, you would need to reserve in advance. It mainly offers Italian pastas , pizzas, grilled chicken and other desserts. The most surprising part would be the reasonable price. It is categorized as the 2019 Mother’s Day budget-wise restaurant.

► Salt & Stone Review Link Salt & Stone 詳細評論連結


台北母親節餐廳推薦 (日式)
Taipei Mother’s Day Restaurant ( Japanese Cuisine)

【 富 四季割烹 】

若是需要大坪數, 可選擇 SOGO 樓上的 “EN 和食”, 富 四季割烹位於南京復興捷運站附近, 由於餐廳並不是很大, 比較適合 4 ~ 6 人小家庭聚餐, 富 四季割烹招牌是 “一汁五菜”懷石料理, 一套無菜單價格大約在 NTD $1200,在日式懷石料理餐廳裡可以是中價位.當然也有其他較為平價常見的日式菜餚可選擇.
If you need more seats, you might want to consider “EN Japanese Restaurant” at SOGO. Fu Kappo Japanese Restaurant is located near Nanking Fuxin MRT station. It is more suitable for 4 ~ 6 people small family. The set price is around NTD $1200, which is price reasonable among others. There are also other price reasonable Japanese dishes to choose from.

► Fu Kappo Food Review Link 富詳細評論連結


台北母親節餐廳推薦 (中式)
Taipei Mother’s Day Restaurant (Chinese Cuisine)

【 雞窩餐廳 】

金蓬萊“和 “頤宮” 剛獲得米其林星級肯定很難訂到位, 雞窩餐廳與剛獲得米其林餐盤的驥園是姐妹店, 最特別的是有4 ~ 6 人小包廂, 也有 8 ~ 10 人包廂, 都相當難訂, 四月已開放五月訂位.雞窩餐廳的雞湯也分成很多種, 相當特別也值得推薦. 請注意如果媽媽平常喜歡吃較清淡的食物, 雞窩餐廳可能不適合!! 我反而會推薦 “橘色涮涮屋-新光三越 A9 分店”.
2019 Michelin Guide -Taipei announced “Golden Formosa Restaurant” and “Le Palais Restaurant” are both on the Guide, which would make the reservation much more difficult. G Woo restaurant has private dining rooms for 4 ~ 6 people, and of course 8 ~ 10 people. They are now available for May reservation. G Woo restaurant’s chicken soup has many types – with bamboo or just regular thick broth. However, if moms like to eat light food or healthy food, I would recommend another restaurant – “Orange Shabu at A9 Xinyi District

► G Woo Food Review Link 雞窩餐廳詳細評論連結

► Other Chinese Restaurants Review Link 其他中式餐廳詳細評論連結


台北母親節餐廳推薦 (牛排)
Taipei Mother’s Day Restaurant (Steak)

【 A Cut Steakhouse & 168 Prime Steak House 】

台北販售牛排的餐廳很多, 可是牛排專屬餐廳就只有少數眾所皆知的那幾家而已, “A Cut Steakhouse” 和 “No. 168 Prime 牛排館 “ 是我去過的牛排餐廳, 建議點肉品等級較高 (例如和牛或是老饕牛排部位), 這兩家餐廳皆有大包廂可訂.
There many restaurants that offer steaks. However, there are only a few restaurants that focus on steak cuisine. Both “A Cut Steakhouse” and “168 Steak House” are both quite popular. I would suggest to order Wagyu Steak or Rib Eye Cap. The restaurants have large private dining room as well.

► A Cut Food Review Link A Cut 詳細評論連結

► 168 Prime Food Review Link 168 Prime 詳細評論連結



2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

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