台灣品酒會的三種迷思 | Taiwan Wine Taste Event

Last Updated on 2019-05-12 by Foodelicious


由於之前住在美國郊區,  較沒有機會參加市區的品酒會, 現在回來到台北, 加進FB 精釀啤酒社群葡萄酒或烈酒社團, 間接知道“品酒會懶人包“ App可以查詢各個品酒會資訊, 但是初學者通常對品酒會都會有一些迷思.
I didnt have to opporuntity to attend any trial taste event back at USA since I lived at the sunburn area. However, now back to Taipei, there are a few ways to know about Taiwan Trial Taste Event Information. You can join the wine, whisky or craft beer Facebook Group. You can also download an APP called “品酒會懶人包” to see all the event informations.However, rookies would have some difficulties to select the event since there are several misunderstandings about the events. 


1. 品酒會裡的人互相認識 The attendants know each other.

據我觀察,並不是來參加的人都是互相認識, 品酒會裡多少都會有重量級的人物, 這時才會陸續有人都會上前打招呼, 有些人會怕一個人, 所以會拉朋友一起來, 但是我都是單槍匹馬, 我想告訴你們的是, 不用怕自己一個人, 自己也可默默地在旁邊做筆記, 當然也可以勇敢地發問問題囉.
From observation, it is not “everyone knows each other”. There are still several important people at the event, eventually, people might move forward to say hi. However, some people might drag their friends to attend too. But, I go solo all the time. So, don’t ever be afraid to go alone.


2. 參加品酒會都是盛裝打扮 There is always dress code

我只能說你看太多電影了,  台灣品酒會其實不一定要穿小禮服或是西裝, 我都是穿著牛仔褲去參加. 我去某品牌的啤酒品酒會時, 也有看過別人穿藍白拖去參加. 但是請注意若是有國外酒莊原廠參與的餐酒會, 就得要穿比較得體, 畢竟你代表的是台灣 (一種國家隊的概念) There is NO DRESS CODE in Taiwan trial event unless stated otherwise. I always wears jeans to attend. However, if the event is involved with foreign vendors, it would be better to wear official since you basically represent Taiwan. 


3. 品酒會都很貴 Trial Taste Event is very expensive.

如果我告訴你有些品酒會是免費, 你會相信嗎? 有些國際知名品牌會辦一些免費品酒會或展覽.  If I tell you there are some events that are free, would you believe it? Some international well-known brands might host a few free trial taste events.


以上只是自己對台灣品酒會的想法囉! 其實參加很多品酒會後就會找到自己品酒會的篩選標準囉!
The above informations are only my thoughts! Hope that you can find a way to select your preferred taste event. 


延伸閱讀: 關於其他活動 Other Events

