【 市政府捷運站 | Taipei Food 】空軍涼麵 | Air Force Cold Noodle Restaurant | 南京三民 | 上班族最愛

Last Updated on 2019-02-13 by Foodelicious

網路跟書上常提到夏天要吃涼麵, 冬天要吃湯麵, 但是當然那只是參考, 要不然這家位於辦公室林立附近的“空軍涼麵“怎麼會每天生意好得不得了?!?
Who set the rule saying that it would be better to eat soup noodle in the winter time?  If so, why is “Air Force Cold Noodle Restaurant” so popular through all the seasons? There are many white collars and blue collars go to this restaurant to have lunch.IMG_5139.jpg



English Name: Cold Noodle (Small Size)
Price NTD $45 (Small)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這家餐廳小碗涼麵是7-11涼麵的兩倍, 如其他涼麵餐廳一樣, 用的是都是加了鹼水後的黃細麵.每家涼麵餐廳的不同就在醬料 , 空軍涼麵不吝嗇放上大量的芝麻醬, 濃厚的芝麻香味和微微的蒜香味, 配料的部分則是有黃瓜絲和豆芽, 記得要攪拌均勻才能每口都有滿滿的芝麻香啊! 嘉義傳統的涼麵是跟台灣各地的涼麵不同,  麵的部分則是採用偏淺黃色的寬麵, 但麵體也較薄 ,除了芝麻醬, 嘉義傳統涼麵店會放上台式美乃滋醬 (用雞蛋 沙拉油 和白醋等製作而成).
When they serve the cold noodle, the small size is twice size of the cold noodle in 7-11 convenient stores. The shop uses the thin yellow noodle like everyone else does. The yellow color was because the noodle factory adds editable alkali to prevent overcook.The essence of the cold noodle is the sauce. Unlike other cold noodle shop, they put large amount of sesame sauce on the top. With strong sesame aroma, there are also hints of garlic sauce. There are more than enough of the thick sesame sauce for the noodle. Besides fair amount of the sliced cucumber, there are also bean sprouts. Remember to stir the sauce evenly to let your taste bud enjoy this simple dish with satisfaction. Traditional Cold Noodle in Chia-Yi is different from any other cold noodle in Taiwan. The noodle is wide but light yellow  color (It has less editable alkali). Besides the sesame sauce, they also put the Taiwanese mayo sauce. Taiwanese style mayo sauce major ingredients are egg, vegetable oil, white vinegar.



English Name: Taiwanese BBQ Sauce Noodle
Price: NTD $45
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
肉香味和炒青蔥味讓每個人都想趕快先嚐一口, 肉燥和台灣沙茶醬是個絕配, 可惜的是由於麵條本身不吸汁, 導致吃到最後反而會很鹹.
The meaty aroma pairing with green onion aroma will make you want to dig in to eat already. The minced meat mixed with light sweet Taiwanese BBQ sauce is a perfect match. However, the sauce and noodle don’t seem to be a good match since this kind of noodle didn’t absorb sauce.  It leaves the sauce alone to make a bit too salty.



English Name: Other Dish- Dreid Tofu
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這種花豆干比平常見到的豆干吸收較多醬汁 ,可惜的是他們的醬汁並無特別調製.
This kind of dried tofu can absorb the sauce well. However, their soy sauce is plain without any alteration.


English Name: Other Dish- Meat Wrapped With Fish Sauce Thick Soup
Price: NTD $40
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

朋友點了肉羹湯, 他還蠻喜歡!
My friend ordered this one. He likes it and he is a picky foodie! General speaking, this restaurant is a hidden treasure for people who like local and tasty food!


Restaurant Name店名: Air Force Cold Noodle Restaurant  空軍涼麵
Address: No. 11, Ally 101, Section 1, Keelung Road, Taipei 台北市信義區基隆路1段101巷11號 (Map)
Facebook: N/A
MRT station 捷運站: City Hall MRT station 市政府捷運站
Tel: N/A
Operation Hour:
Monday Off 星期一公休
Tuesday ~ Sunday 星期二至星期日 6:30am ~ 2:30pm


