【 麒麟一番搾黑啤酒 】Kirin’s Prime Brew Stout | Costco 好市多

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

亞洲人通常喜歡較淡的啤酒 ,但是日本啤酒品牌麒麟卻為了小眾市場製作出司陶特啤酒(黑啤酒),  黑啤酒就是用烘培過的麥芽來製作.
In General, Asians like their beers to be light. But, Kirin went out of the blue and manufacture stouts for the niche market. Stout is a dark beer made by using roasted malt or barley.

延伸閱讀:台灣 Costco 購買清單 》TAIWAN COSTCO BUY LIST


Product Name 產品名稱: Kirin’s Prime Brew Stout  [麒麟一番搾黑啤酒] Foodelcious 美味程度:
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a. Channel 購買地點: Costco
b. Price: N/A
c. Total ml 總容量: 350ml
d. ABV 酒精濃度: 5%
e. Country of Origin 原產地: Japan 日本
f. Bar Code: 4901411047683
進口商: 台灣麒麟啤酒股份有限公司
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倒出深褐色啤酒時,會同時聞到帶有烘培穀物和微焦糖味, 如棉花糖的氣泡不易揮發 ,當喝下第一口時 ,飽滿滑順加微太妃糖甜味會完全顛覆你對黑=苦的刻板印象, 會甜的原因為“一番搾”,意思就是在麥汁從麥芽漿分離後, 酒廠立馬把甜甜的麥汁拿來製作啤酒.  好加在麒麟應小眾市場喜好, 決定製作甜的司陶特啤酒(Stout), 燕麥風味或是熱帶水果香氣的司陶特啤酒(Stout)! 此外, 不同於亞洲市面上所販售的啤酒, 麒麟一番搾黑啤酒並無“米”的成分!台灣人常把黑啤酒歸類為苦啤酒 ,但是其實他們喝的是德國啤酒Schwarzbier 或 Dunkel, Stout 則是英倫系的黑啤酒, 別再誤會它了! 我個人會推薦給比較會喝酒的人

When pouring out the Kirin Stout, the beer appearance is deep brown color. It is almost dark enough to block the light. Soon, you will sense the aroma mixed with roasted malt with hint of caramel flavor.  The foam is fluffy and not easy to evaporate. After gulping, you can taste the semi-sweetness in this creamy stout. But,  no worries, it is nothing like the sweet caramel latte. The bitterness after drinking is not as strong as the “Guinness Draught”. Unlike most Japanese beers, Kirin Stout’s ingredient does not include rice. Also, many would say Kirin made the right decision to manufacture sweet stout instead oatmeal stout and tropical stout.People in Taiwan often mistaken stout with German beer Schwarzbier or Dunkel. If your friends still think dark beer is bitter, you can tell them to try Kirin Stout. It would be a new experience for them. I would recommend this beer to people who love drinking. 


警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康  <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!



