【 南京三民 | Taipei Food 】餛飩舖子 | Wonton Shop | 上班族美食 | 中式

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

在人生裡, 在不同時段都會碰到不一樣的朋友- 同學, 網路和工作. 辦公室裡中午用餐時總是成群結伴去吃午餐 ,但是在辦公室裡總是有一兩個好朋友, 有時只想跟他們共用午餐一起抱怨老闆和其他同事, 靠近南京三民捷運站餛飩鋪子會是最佳選擇!
In our life path, there are many kinds of friends from different areas- from school, from online and from work. In Taiwan, 4+ co-workers always gather together to eat lunch. However, there must be 1 or 2 co-workers are very closed to you and you just want to eat lunch with only them once in a while. Wonton Shop Restaurant, which is located near Nangjing Sanmin MRT station, would be best choice to have lunch with your closed friends from work.





餐廳裝潢其實有點像文青咖啡店 ,微暗的燈光加上高腳椅 ,牆上掛有各種餛飩內餡的圖片(還是用畫框框起來ㄉ), 最特別的是有“帶骨餛飩” (內餡是蘆筍),戶外有用餐區, 看著往來的人群和車潮也是所謂的“小確幸“.
This restaurant’s decoration is a bit like coffee shop with tall chairs and dim lights. It also has outside dining area! There are several pictures of different types of Wonton pictures hanging on the wall. The most unique one is Asparagus Wonton. But, my boyfriend and I are craving for some seafood wontons.



English Name: Squid Wonton
Price: NTD $150
Foodelcious 美味程度: 🍲🍲🍲🍲

別誤會 ,不是那種會把你牙齒變黑的那種墨魚啦 ,剛咬下一口本來以為是墨魚絞肉之類的, 結果竟然是海鮮味十足的墨魚切塊! 吃起來口感剛剛好 ,不會太硬也不會太軟.
Before you take the first bite, you probably think that the filling is just ground squid meat. However, after the first bite, you realize that there are several chopped squids with seafood aroma. The squids are cooked in perfect condition.  This is a successful dish for sure.




English Name: Scallop Wonton
Price: NTD $150
Foodelcious 美味程度: 🍲🍲🍲

我想建議老闆使用小干貝而不是切絲的大干貝, 因為切絲干貝吸湯汁有限, 小干貝至少可以讓客人覺得“哇! 一整塊干貝ㄟ, 有吸湯汁喔!” , 哈哈!
I would like to suggest them to use small whole scallops instead of sliced large scallop if the cost allowed. The juicy part was lost when slicing the large scallops. It was still delicious, but it can be better!



English Name: Sichuan Spicy Noodle
Price: NTD $70
Foodelcious 美味程度:🍜🍜🍜🍜

店家有自家秘密配方的辣椒醬, 辣度也是喜歡吃辣的人最愛, 不會只有辣沒有麻, 鮮紅辣椒醬放在細麵下方, 辣蘿蔔切片和蔥花擺設在上方, 讓這道菜更多精彩的亮點.
This is a great dish for people who like to eat spicy food! The boss here has his own secret recipe for peppercorn spicy sauce and it is spicier than expected. The sauce was placed below the noodle. The green onion and the sliced daikon were garnished on the top. All you need to do is to stir evenly to enjoy the dish.



有些部落客認為這家餐廳的價格偏高 但是我覺得價格跟食材應該是對等的 餐廳勇敢地用不同於街頭小吃的內餡創造不一樣的口感!我是認為這家餐廳值得再去!
People who reviewed this restaurant mentioning that the price is high. Well, they are not afraid to use different ingredients to make a difference. Sometimes, price is not the only way to value a restaurant.





Restaurant Name店名: Wonton Shop Restaurant  餛飩舖子
Address: No. 169, Sec. 5, Shi-ming Blvd, Taipei 台北市松山區市民大道5段169號 (Map)
Facebook: N/A
MRT station 捷運站: Nangjing Sanmi 南京三民站
Tel: 02-2748-2338
Operation Hour: 11am ~ 9 pm
