【 Alra Buko Cream Cheese 】Costco 好市多 | 亞諾綜合奶油乳酪抹醬 | 丹麥

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

之前文章有提到其實大部分的台灣人最近這幾年才知道貝果這個產品 , 當我還在美國時 ,我媽常買 Philadelphia 品牌的奶油乳酪來搭配貝果, 當然奶油乳酪跟玉米脆片和玉米餅也是絕配. 回到台灣後, 在Costco購買了Kirkland Bagels 跟Alra Buko 品牌奶油乳酪來搭配.
My previous article mentioned that Taiwanese just became familiar with bagels for only a few years. When I was in US, my mom always purchased Philadelphia Brand cream cheese for bagels. Of course, cream cheese can also pair with nachos and tacos. I purchased Kirkland Bagel and Alra Buko cream cheese at Taiwan Costco.



延伸閱讀:  台灣 Costco 購買清單 》TAIWAN COSTCO BUY LIST


Product Name 產品名稱: Alra Buko Assorted Cream Cheese Spread  亞諾綜合奶油乳酪抹醬

a. Mushroom Flavor (Green)  蘑菇口味 (綠色)
Foodelcious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
b. Ham Flavor (Brown) 火腿口味 (褐色)
Foodelcious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
c. Shrimp Flavor (Blue) 鮮蝦口味 (藍色)
Foodelcious 美味程度:👍👍👍
d. Spice Flavor (Red) 香料口味 (紅色)
Foodelcious 美味程度: 👍👍
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1. Channel 購買地點: Costco
2. Price:NTD $299 (32個三角奶油乳酪) NTD $299 for 32 pcs Cream Cheese Spread.
3. Specs 規格: 每種口味各兩個放一個小盒子,  銷售單位為四個小盒子收縮包裝 2 pcs per flavor in one small box. Sales unit is 4 small boxes shrink wrapped together
4. Total Net Weight 總重量: 140g x 4 Packs
5.Country of Origin 原產地: Denmark 丹麥
6. Bar Code: N/A
進口商: 奇歐實業有限公司
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當時在逛Costco, 本來想買原味奶油乳酪, 但此款產品有四種口味  輪流吃就不會無趣啊“ , 買回來品嚐後發現口味還不錯!
Breakfast doesn’t have to be boring and the same everyday. However, after tasting it, there are other reasons that I might purchase again in the future:


原產地為丹麥 County of Origin is Denmark

之前常吃的Philadelphia 品牌是美國製, Alra Buko 的原產地丹麥則是北歐酪農最多的國家 (不是酪梨!是乳酪), 丹麥最出名的乳酪則是薩姆索起司和馬里博起士, Alra 則是歐洲規模最大的國際乳製品公司. Buko 品牌名稱的 “BU”其實是牛叫聲, “KO” 則是丹麥語的牛. 嚐試各國美食是種享受!
Philadelphia brand is manufactured in USA. Alra Buko brand is manufactured in Denmark , which has most diary farms in Northern Europe. Samson and Maribo cheese are both world-wide famous from Denmark. And Alra is the largest international diary cooperation in Europe. “Bu” in Buko means “moo” and “Ko” in Buko means cow in Danish. Trying out different country’s food products is always the best experience.


Alta 品牌的乳酪質地滑順 Alra is famous with its silky cheese.

a. Mushroom Flavor (Green)  蘑菇口味 (綠色)
我是個菇菇控, 口感紮實再加上蘑菇顆粒和特殊蘑菇風味 ,怎能讓我不愛ㄟ?
I am a sucker for mushroom. With real mushroom fragrant and light earthy aroma pairing mixed with cream cheese, it tasted like heaven.

b. Ham Flavor (Brown) 火腿口味 (褐色)
我是個肉食者, 火腿的鹹味搭配奶油乳酪風味, 兩種食材搭配在一起可讓早餐增加更多風味!
Unless you are a vegetarian, who wouldn’t want salty cream cheese with meaty aroma for breakfast? The ham flavor is balanced with cream cheese perfectly.

c. Shrimp Flavor (Blue) 鮮蝦口味 (藍色)
奶油乳酪完全把蝦的風味蓋了過去, 剛品嚐的時候還以為吃到了原味奶油乳酪.
Shrimp flavor was completely covered with Cream cheese flavor. When I tasted the first bite, I thought I was eating the original flavor.

d. Spice Flavor (Red) 辛香料口味 (紅色)
這個不是辣味, 這是辛香料, 早餐搭配辛香料的部份我目前還尚未適應, 給的分數相對是這四種風味中較低.
I wouldn’t want spice in my breakfast. So, it is my least favorite in all 4 flavors.



若喜歡Cream Cheese, 可以買來試吃. If you like cream cheese, you can purchase to have a taste.




